Our Story

Our story begins with a dream that kids all over Canada would be inspired to get active and live healthy lifestyles. The beginnings formulated while Mark was still in college reading about the continual failing grade for children’s activity levels and the increase in children living sedentary lives, he realized that by making physical activity fun children will be more likely to participate in it. Thus the creation of Active Animals the Game, which we hope will be used by schools, families and kids all by themselves to increase the amount of play in their lives and to also help create more opportunities for physical activity!

Our Creators

Mark Boston

Mark is the founder and creator of Active Animals the Game! He is the owner of, and teacher at, Active Kids Academy, which is a preschool focused on learning through physical activity. Mark Boston graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in Elementary education with a minor in Physical Education. Aside from educating kids to live healthy and active lives or teaching families how to play Active Animals the Game, you can find Mark enjoying a sporting or outdoor adventure!

Tayson Martindale

Tayson is a cartoonist and storyteller located in Edmonton, Alberta. Besides creating the art for Active Animals the Game and companion comic series, he has self-published several comics (including: Parker Purr: Cat Adventurer, The Legendary: Winter, and Bedtime Tails) as well as being an artist for the Thunder Frog series published by Thunder Frog Comics. He released his first graphic novel (Box Boy) through 215 Ink. Tayson loves working with kids and sharing his love of comics and storytelling.